Sunday, May 13, 2012

SPM Aftermath: Journalists

1 comment:

  1. I can not believe the constant corruption and deceipt it took to keep this man locked down for what appears to be a total fuckin lack of justice. This man did not receive a fair trial this fuckin shit sounds like fukin soap opera. Los has rotted in that cell cause of these haters. Truth is no physical evidence, lots of coverups, and whole hell of a lot broken laws n rights by the Fukin Harris County Judicial System! KARMA IS A MUTHA!!! IT IS ELECTION TIME SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE HERE IS INNOCENT MAN WHO WAS BRANDED BY THE HARRIS COUNTY HATERS AS GUILTY. HE NEVER EVEN HAD A FAIR TRIAL R THE CHANCE TO PROVE HIS INNOCENCE! JOIN THE MOVEMENT FREE DAT DAM MEXICAN!! WE ALL ARE ENTITLED TO INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GULITY. MY BAD EXCEPT FOR U Carlos. The time is now FREE SPM!!!
